Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Protests! A Country shut down.

Santiago- Chile is bracing for a nationwide, two-day shutdown as unions, students and center-left political parties demand fundamental changes in society.
They want to replace Chile's dictatorship-era constitution, which concentrates vast power in the presidency, with a new charter enabling popular referendums and making free quality education a right for all citizens. They also want pension reforms, a new labor code and more health care spending.
 (This is from the AP).
What this means for us here in Temuco is possible delays in the buses and protests downtown. No public employees are working. No children, from kindergarden to college, are attending schools. No teachers teaching, well except us.
The news here makes us feel like we are watchig the civil rights movement live on TV. There is lots of spraying of water hoses, dogs barking and both peaceful and angry people. The footage is a bit scary, but the heart of the action is far from us.

1 comment:

  1. Keep a low profile. Not sure what that means exactly, but do that and you will be safe.
